Today, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to maintain physical and emotional health first among anything else. Josh being ADD, there have been a lot of things that come with the territory - depression being one of them. He strives daily to push past it and most days he soars above and beyond it. But the days that he struggles, I'm amazed at how it affects us both. Each time a medical/emotional struggle happens, we usually seem to face a stressful event at the same time. Finances seem to be our biggest struggle when it comes to the emotional connections. Just about any time we talk about money or how we're going to move ahead, we both get frustrated, angry and often depressed at how we're not where we want to be at the age of nearly 36. But how did we get here and how do we get where we want to be? How do we make changes when we're fighting our health in the process? And medications do not always help. In fact, they can cause a lot of damage. Three weeks ago, Josh started weening off of a back pain nerve-block medicine that he was on. The reason he was getting off this medication is because I recognized that it was an anti-depressant that might interact with his sleeping medicine. Let me back up: he was on an anti-depressant and a sleeping pill a few months back and had been on that combination for years without problems or so we thought. But one day, our pharmacist asked me if he was having any symptoms from a list she rattled off and I said yes. Because of that, she said to stop taking the anti-depressant and find another solution if possible because it's a deadly combo. (Yes, deadly).... So, back to a few weeks ago, I realized that the back pain medicine he was on is also used as an anti-depressant and he was having similar side effect symptoms like he had before the pharmacist recommended changes. And when we called the doctor, it was confirmed he was indeed having side effects from the new back pain/anti-depressant medication in combo with his sleeping medicine. "Damn it!" That's all we both could think! And I'll spare all of the details of it, except that the doctor that talked to me told him to ween off of back pain meds wrong. Our primary care physician (PCP) was not in the office the day that we called and the other doctor didn't see in his chart how long he had been on the back pain medication. The next thing we know, Josh was awake for 40 hours straight (mind you, he did not want to be awake) and on an emotional roller coaster due to withdrawals from the back pain/anti-depressant medication. Our PCP realized what happened when we called and is now supervising this process a lot closer. We're not out of the woods entirely yet, but he is recognizing the symptoms and dealing with them the best he can because he knows it's medication and not him. Even though it's medication causing all of these symptoms, it's still difficult to not let the depression symptoms stop him dead in his tracks.

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