Monday, July 9, 2012

Just when things seemed slow....

Everyone's topic of interest lately has been the weather. Yep, it has been hotter than Hades lately. Saturday, we hit 104 degrees, which was a record in this area from 1847. And, I'm not sure you've noticed but, when it's this miserable, it's hard to not let it get your mood as well. We were starting to feel that way and like Brass Hammer Designs was just kind of at a stand still. But this weekend was different because we SOLD another piece! You just never know when it's going to happen. And just when things seemed slow..... BOOM!

So how did it happen? One of our friends was talking with Josh on Facebook about wanting to buy one of our pieces and he asked her if she had checked out our etsy page. Turns out, she didn't even know what etsy was! *gasp!* Well, I'm honestly not that surprised. There's a plethora of websites and things out there for everyone to tap into. How can we get people to notice our product in such a vast array of online resources? I find that the best way is get our Facebook page noticed and liked, so it shows up in our fans newsfeeds. Then when we post things, they'll see how we're doing and hopefully hit up our etsy page as well. (By the way, if you didn't know either, etsy is a place where artists and vintage shop owners can set up an e-shop to sell their work. It's a great place to go find all kinds of artsy things including Brass Hammer Design products.) It's kind of cool too, etsy posts images on Google Images, so when you type in "Mexican Folk Art Crosses" on the Google Images page, many of our pieces show up! :) They change positions, but it's still really cool to see that.

The biggest problem seems to be to gain "likes" on Facebook. And even though, we try to get everyone to "like" our Facebook page, it seems that we're still not able to reach our audience fully.  It's all about social marketing and networking. We're taking a lot of advice from our friend, Joe Daniels, with Swing This. You should go check out his stuff about physical fitness. He is great at interacting online with his posts on his blog, facebook, instagram and twitter.  And of course, we've mentioned in previous blog posts that we talk a lot with our friends, Missy & Will Marlar at Rituals by Nature too. Both of these businesses are doing something right because as of Saturday, Swing This was up to 1413 likes and Rituals by Nature was up to 1372 likes on their Facebook pages. An observation though is that both of these businesses have been at this for over a year too, so again, we're back to patience.

So, we'll keep plugging away at making art and blogging and trying to win your likes on Facebook... And selling great pieces like Felina below.....

Until next time, stay cool and hydrated....
Jen Crandall, Wife/Manager
Brass Hammer Designs (Follow us on Facebook,
Pinterest, Etsy and Twitter!)

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