Monday, July 23, 2012

No System is Working

I'm stuck. Utterly stuck in a rut of procrastination, avoidance, and ignoring. Remember those house pics from a few weeks ago? Maybe a little longer? Nothing is better. We haven't slowed down long enough to do much besides do a quick bathroom cleaning and clean the kitchen a few times. That's it. All of the flat surfaces are still covered. I know that I am need of simplification of my life in all areas. I keep telling myself in 2013, I'm going to focus on simplifying our finances, but what about the rest of our shit? Seriously! It's out of control!

And my days are getting busier. I'm avoiding more and more and then looking around wondering how in the world am I going to get to the things that need to get done? I desperately need to slow down somehow. I'm debating joining The Fly Lady's email list. But to be honest, I'm overwhelmed with all of the information online and coming at me in that method as well. Maybe she addresses that, but what if she doesn't? Then I'm stuck with more clutter in the form of email. I can pretend that we're moving maybe - that seemed to work to keep our clutter down for a good 10 years - we moved every 2 years. It seems like when we moved from our house in Richmond, IN though, we brought everything with us instead of purging.

I'm overwhelmed really. I don't know what else to say. I keep saying I'm going to try something and I plan to do it, but for some reason, this is where my drive fails me. I set out with goals and accomplish them all the time, yet, I can't take a simple task like staying organized and getting it done. I don't feel we are hoarders or anything, but I just want to simplify my life in so many ways.

 Our clutter is in the way of so many things.... I once posted on my facebook page and purposely keep it in my quotes, "The state of your housekeeping a lot of times reflects the state of your mind." I agree still and my mind is a mess...... I feel completely out of control and desperate to control something. Organizing, cleaning and making lists are my natural way of trying to gain back control, but in this case, I don't think I can gain it the way I need.

Yet, a weekend of just relaxing seemed to help some. A few changes will have to be made and some evaluation will have to occur soon. But, I'm at peace.

Until Next Time,
Jen Crandall, Wife/Manager
Brass Hammer Designs (Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy and Twitter!)

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