Friday, May 25, 2012

Rough Tuesday Part 2

It was a rough Tuesday this week, so I decided to share some "Josh-isms". These make me laugh and I hope they make you laugh too. These are his posts on Facebook the past 5 days. Enjoy!!!!

Josh: "Felina"

Josh: "Slick Willy and adult entertainers"

In his comments, he mentioned he never did really like clowns.

Josh: "A baby beaver is called a kitten."


Josh: "Double Crandall Kool-Aid kind of night."

Josh: "Soak it all in."

Josh: "Preparing for college"

Josh: "Guess I do know how to paint." 

Josh: "Coffee, painting and Words with Miss Wallace."

Josh: "Please have a look see at our latest blog. We chronicle my crazy and the smooth styling of Brass Hammer Designs" 

Josh: "I wasn't meant to landscape. It's all a big freakin racquet. Started mowing today and of course the back yard is wet, it never dries. Found out my left sock was a quitter. Cut my extension cord with the hedge clippers. Got mad and cut a tree down. I wasn't meant to landscape."

Josh: "I'm screwed."

Josh: "Briefcase insert"

Josh: "Having some issues with a Brass Hammer Designs subcontractor. All is well now and Jen is working." 
(Let me preface this one by saying that I (Jen) am HELPING with a project right now... I am the subcontractor.")

Please check out our ETSY store and recommend to your friends - especially ones that will make a purchase. We have more crosses in the making, several bowls ready for shipping, business card holders that can be made to order, and much, much more. Remember Father's Day is around the corner. Why not get together with your siblings and buy an heirloom piece?

Until next time.....
Jen Crandall
Wife/Manager, Brass Hammer Designs (Follow our Facebook, our etsy store and follow us on Twitter!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rough Tuesday Part 1

It's not been an easy day for Josh. He wrote this blog for you all to have an insight into our lives. Again, when my problems are related to keeping the house clean and finding my chi and creativity, Josh puts it into perspective of what he fights on a daily basis..... 

Josh's thoughts: "Good things come to those who wait is something said to control the herd and complete bull. On the other hand, taking charge and making things happen is a cruel exaggeration of simplicity. For 2 years I have been searching high and low for a career which quickly became settling for a job that I could tolerate. My unsuccessful search prompted my wife and I to turn my hobby and passion into a business, Brass Hammer Designs. Typing that we started a business is itself another one of those exaggerations of simplicity. The reality and truth is that we are trying to start a business; investing what little money we had saved over the years and working our asses off trying to get the wheels turning.

Tomorrow I have a job interview. You would think I would be happy because it means we can pay bills but not really. The job I am interviewing for pays 8 dollars an hour, is part-time, and mainly weekend hours. Just typing 8 dollars an hour infuriates me. Yes, I would prefer to earn more than 8 freaking dollars an hour but my back is against the fucking wall. If I am lucky tomorrow I may be offered the position which will profit somewhere around 100 dollars a week after taxes and the cost of commuting. More than anything I am mad because I really hoped my life would have been a little easier after nearly 36 years."

The reality is that we are trying to stay positive, but we have days that are not so great. Today is one of them. While we want to beg all of you to go buy our products off ETSY, order more and help us get the momentum going with our business, we know that's not fair to ask. And a career would have been the answer for Josh, but the economy sucks and the reality is smacking us in the face on days like today. You want to know what it is like to be in our shoes. Here it is...

We promise more positive posts in a day or two.We just are kind of sad, mad and frustrated right now.

Until next time.....
 Josh Crandall, Owner/Artist 
Jen Crandall, Wife/Manager
Brass Hammer Designs (Follow our Facebook page, our etsy store and follow us on Twitter!)

Monday, May 21, 2012

I swear, contagious!

A no plans weekend meant that it was my turn to work on a project for Brass Hammer Designs. It has been hard to find my creative momentum in Brass Hammer Designs, and I feel this is mainly because our house is a wreck. It's not terrible and it definitely is livable, but it's starting to take away from my life.... my creativity, my passion, my chi. I want to run away from it and do many other things, but procrastinating won't make it go away. I know this, but I'm still in denial about it.

Okay, so what is causing all this clutter? Two things in my opinion - our busyness and Josh's A.D.D.Have I mentioned that I think A.D.D. is contagious? You think I'm kidding? I lived with my mom and step-dad for 10-11 years and I believe my step-dad had a touch of A.D.D. Every single flat surface of the house was covered with paperwork. That is EXACTLY the same way our house is today. Did I inherit that from my step-dad who is not a blood relative or was it caught like a contagious virus? And now I'm in my 13th year of living with Josh, who is diagnosed and medicated for A.D.D. His A.D.D rears its head more in projects throughout the house. Everywhere in our house, there are projects that are started and not finished. (And by everywhere, I mean floors, tables, desks, sinks, closets.... EVERYWHERE).  Most of them are Josh's projects, but there are several that are mine too. So, all I can do is conclude that A.D.D. is contagious because if it weren't, I'd be able to keep my project areas clean, right?  And for the life of me, I cannot find a system that works - I've tried various forms of inboxes for mail and throwing away junk mail right away, going through coupons right away, putting things away as soon as we're done with them, etc. You notice the theme? Everything has to be done in the moment. A.D.D. is in the moment, but it's a flutter of distractions within that moment and you may never get back to things that you have not finished completely.

So, because we've been so busy, our house has gotten beyond a point that I can manage.Mind you, we were already relaxed on chores like sweeping, vacuuming and dusting. Our main focuses are laundry, groceries, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, mowing and making sure there are clean sheets and towels available. Josh helps with these items as well. But throughout the house, there are areas that I call "Josh bombs". It's where he's started a project and got distracted mid-stream and left the remains of the project there. Most of the time, I just walk past these projects because I know that eventually he'll get back to it, but right now, he's not been able to prioritize them either. And it doesn't help our situation at all that I have been stacking papers everywhere like I was so kindly trained to do. So, the busy factor is wearing on us and our house is showing it. We're barely keeping up with the list I mentioned before, so I need to come up with a plan. I'm seriously considering hiring a maid and a lawn care person, but I worry we don't have enough money to cover these on a regular basis. My friend Carrie told me that when she decides to clean, she tackles one room at a time and takes anything that doesn't belong in that room to the room it does belong to, but goes back immediately to the room she was working in. Seems simple enough. I mentioned it to Josh and he is willing to try, so this week, we're going to try to tackle one room in this manner. Just one.

I'll keep you posted with our progress.
Until next time.....
Jen Crandall
Wife/Manager, Brass Hammer Designs (Follow our Facebook, our etsy store and follow me on Twitter!)

P.S. RAW LIFE at the Crandalls: a picture of every living space in our house and what we're starting with today, right now....

Right now, the Kitchen is the cleanest room in the house.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lost in Thought

I'm lost in thought tonight and not sure what way I am headed. My job at Kroger has been crazy busy lately and honestly last week, I felt like I worked 2.5 weeks in a 40 hour time. That's how much my head was spinning. I'm hoping that this blog post will help me sort through a few of those thoughts and give me some comfort within the action plans we choose to take for Brass Hammer Designs. Josh seems to kind of be in the same funk. It's hard to explain, but we just have to get our heads wrapped around the idea of what we need to do. Here's why.....

Saturday, we met with a man that is part of an organization called Score that has helpful tools for the start up business owner ( We've had two counseling sessions with him so far and it's made us think quite a bit. He assured us that we were doing a lot of things right, which is very comforting. Below is the summary of the action plans we feel we need to take after these two sessions.

Clientele building is basically what our #1 focus is going forward. How do we do that? Again, we're doing a lot of things right currently and that is blogging on here, tweeting, facebooking, and opening our etsy store. All four of those social media usages are directly correlated to our first sale from a stranger (friend of a friend) and we are thrilled to death. But are we doing enough? Our Score Counselor has recommended that we talk to a company called Bare Knuckle Marketing about our marketing via social media in order to better build clientele. So that will be one of our next steps.

The 2nd step we've been commissioned with is to find a good record keeping system for money. Quickbooks or Peachtree have been recommended to use instead of our current excel tracking methods. Again, we're tapping into our network of small businesses by talking to my dad and step-mom about Quickbooks and how they use it to keeps tabs on selling Al's Secret Grilling Sauce. (This is a family favorite grilling sauce and has been in our family for 3 generations. Just in time for summer, if you're looking for a unique new flavor of grilling sauce, I'd suggest you go and check out their website and make sure you browse the recipe page too!) Anyway, we've talked a lot to them about their chosen computer programs, such as Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat and now, we're talking to them about Quickbooks and how that helps them. Hopefully this resource will be the next tool we add to our tool-belt and get us closer to a successful start-up.

Something else we realized is that right now, Brass Hammer Designs (BHD) is self-funded and that is scary as hell. I'm sure our fellow small business owners get this, and we did too, but now we're really understanding this concept. One thing is that for tax purposes, we are researching renting our garage and basement space to BHD and using that as an expense rather than trying to take a percentage of the utilities and current rent we pay for our house. What a novel idea. Another idea is considering our start up costs as a loan to BHD with intent to pay us back. I am so thankful that these ideas were presented to us and will be promptly talking to our accountant about both.

And I cannot say it enough how thankful we are to have a network of small business owner/friends. They have offered so many resources and advice. I am very hopeful that with their resources and Score's tools, we will be able to continue working towards a successful business. We'll leave you with a pic of our first etsy sale, "Amen". Please be sure to check out our other pieces on in our etsy store. Follow our story here and through our Twitter Account and Facebook Page. Progress pics are posted often on all 3 accounts. Oh and on Instagram as #brasshammerdesigns too! And seriously, if you're craving a new flavor for grilling, check out my family's grilling sauce: Al's Secret Grilling Sauce. You can order directly online.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Quite a Ride!

Our friends at Rituals by Nature (RBN's Facebook) are having huge success and it is so encouraging to see their story and how it has unfolded. I personally have watched them get started and grow individually in so many ways while growing this business and expanding it. It is TAKING OFF right now and I can't help but be very excited for them and hope to somewhat ride the wave that they are creating in the small business world.

Really, it's exciting to see small businesses take off and start to grow in new successes. Two years ago, Rituals by Nature was a glimpse in Missy and Will's eyes and now they've created a line of near 20 items, I believe. It started as a base to help Missy with her eczema problem (see her Magick line). That was the beginning of their vision and how it grew. Now, they are an inspiration to all of us and especially Josh and myself (Brass Hammer Designs; aka BHD).

5 Lessons, I think that BHD can learn from RBN is:

1) Never Give Up - they pursued a solution to Missy's eczema despite not having any solutions from the pharmaceutical  industries. They never gave up when they were semi-over-booked and overwhelmed by exhaustion and worry.
2) Commitment - they are committed to their product line and their customers. They want to make the best product they can and that means that they are ritualistic and precise when making the products. Saturday night this past weekend was the Super Moon, which was an extra special full moon. Part of the "ritual" of Rituals by Nature is that they make all of their base on a full moon because they believe it aids with the base's healing properties. This is a healing belief within their faith and they feel it is important for their customers that they make as much base as necessary during each full moon.
3) Ask for Help - They aren't afraid to ask people for help with defeating the challenges they face. This could be the challenge of selling their product in a booth or just asking for help putting it up or tearing it down. Their daughter helps out a lot willingly, but I'm sure that at times, they have to ask her as well.
4) Be Patient - their business didn't take off right away. Last year, they had 2-3 bookings during the summer and this year, they have 47. Granted, that is rather fast, but they had to practice patience for it to grow this quickly.
5) Network, Network, Network, Connections, Connections, Connections - Missy and Will have been diligent to tap into connections that made sense for them and have been genuinely interested in helping their business grow. Josh and I are thankful that they both are in our network as we build our business. BHD strives to make these things happen in our lives too. We've set our marketing and business plan (as posted ion Our April 25, 2012 A.D.D. Post) and plan to utilize that along with our values of using local suppliers, work with great connections like RBN, Joe Daniels at Swing This, Onalda Martinez at The Garage Massage Therapy & Body Works, and our dear friends in Maryland at Stella Kustoms. At this point, we're hopeful and realistic that our goals will take time, but excited about the possibilities that we see through other successes. Just like Buster's first boat ride, this, too, is quite a ride!

Rough Waters

Enjoying the smoother waters & the views
Until next time.....
Jen Crandall
Brass Hammer Designs

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Inspiring Weeks

So, a few weeks ago, we blogged about depression and how important it is to take care of yourself etc. It's been a journey for sure. But the physical care of oneself can make or break ya and that statement cannot be truer than it is right now for Josh. For 3 weeks, he has gone to our gym Swing This about 4-5 days a week as his body would allow and he has gone to our massage therapist, Onnie at Garage Body Works, once and has been eating fantastic (thanks to my amazing cooking. Hahaha). We can tell a HUGE difference. Not only has he lost about 15 pounds in the past 3 weeks, but he's also been feeling better and his back has not been hurting as much.

So what comes out of this? Despite continuing to look for a "corporate" job, Josh has been able to focus a lot of energy on making new pieces to sell. And not just new pieces, but new beautiful pieces like below. We've started an etsy account (, so if any of you are interested in purchasing them, the prices are listed there.

The Doctor
Emerging Swan

Don't ever under-estimate the importance of putting YOU first. The Organic Sister said it best on her facebook post today: "If you want to feel amazing, do amazing things. If you want to BE amazing, get back in touch with Who You Are."