Friday, May 25, 2012

Rough Tuesday Part 2

It was a rough Tuesday this week, so I decided to share some "Josh-isms". These make me laugh and I hope they make you laugh too. These are his posts on Facebook the past 5 days. Enjoy!!!!

Josh: "Felina"

Josh: "Slick Willy and adult entertainers"

In his comments, he mentioned he never did really like clowns.

Josh: "A baby beaver is called a kitten."


Josh: "Double Crandall Kool-Aid kind of night."

Josh: "Soak it all in."

Josh: "Preparing for college"

Josh: "Guess I do know how to paint." 

Josh: "Coffee, painting and Words with Miss Wallace."

Josh: "Please have a look see at our latest blog. We chronicle my crazy and the smooth styling of Brass Hammer Designs" 

Josh: "I wasn't meant to landscape. It's all a big freakin racquet. Started mowing today and of course the back yard is wet, it never dries. Found out my left sock was a quitter. Cut my extension cord with the hedge clippers. Got mad and cut a tree down. I wasn't meant to landscape."

Josh: "I'm screwed."

Josh: "Briefcase insert"

Josh: "Having some issues with a Brass Hammer Designs subcontractor. All is well now and Jen is working." 
(Let me preface this one by saying that I (Jen) am HELPING with a project right now... I am the subcontractor.")

Please check out our ETSY store and recommend to your friends - especially ones that will make a purchase. We have more crosses in the making, several bowls ready for shipping, business card holders that can be made to order, and much, much more. Remember Father's Day is around the corner. Why not get together with your siblings and buy an heirloom piece?

Until next time.....
Jen Crandall
Wife/Manager, Brass Hammer Designs (Follow our Facebook, our etsy store and follow us on Twitter!)