Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nothing Comes Easy

I apologize that we haven't posted in a while. To be honest, there hasn't been much inspiration. We've been doing the same thing week to week. Josh is looking for a new job that he can build a career in and is dealing with a few health issues that are taking up a lot of his mental energy. I have been my normal busy self with all of my hobbies and such. Nothing has slowed us down enough to really sit and think about a blog. Sadly, Brass Hammer Designs is usually the first to suffer when we both get to this point. But tonight, I find my mind focused on the phrase: "Nothing Comes Easy."

So what does the phrase "Nothing Comes Easy" mean? Think about it. What ever comes easy? People always talk about how hard they work for things, but how often do you really hear of someone not having to work for something they cherish? Yet, we waste tons of money playing the lottery or gambling for that slim chance that something will come easy. Why do we do that to ourselves? Why in the world would we ever think any differently than the norm?  I search for quotes to inspire me at moments like this and here are two really great ones:

To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.
William Shakespeare

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

It really doesn't come easily. You have to work at it at a slow and steady pace. And when you work for it, you respect yourself more and you enjoy and respect everything you earned along the way even more. It's sweeter..... You know those moments you've felt this way...... when you bought your first toy as a kid, when you bought your first car, when you bought your first house..... You know these feelings. Remember them when you think about buying into that easy fix.... As easy as we would like things to come, success just does not come easy. Ever.

Until Next Time.... Jen Crandall, Wife/Manager
Brass Hammer Designs (Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy and Twitter!)

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